Large Bedroom Wall Decorating Ideas


Decorating a large bedroom wall can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little creativity and some inspiration, you can turn your bland bedroom wall into a stunning masterpiece. In this article, we will explore some large bedroom wall decorating ideas that will transform your space into a beautiful oasis.

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Gallery Wall

Creating a gallery wall is a great way to add personality and style to your large bedroom wall. You can mix and match different frames and artwork to create a unique and eclectic display. Consider using black and white photos or colorful prints to add visual interest. Use a level and measuring tape to ensure that your gallery wall is symmetrical and balanced.

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Large-Scale Artwork

If you want to make a bold statement, consider hanging a large-scale artwork on your bedroom wall. A oversized painting or photograph can create a focal point in your space and add a touch of drama. Choose a piece that complements your bedroom decor and color scheme.

Large-Scale ArtworkSource:


A tapestry is a great option for a large bedroom wall. It can add texture and color to your space, and is also an affordable way to decorate. Choose a tapestry that reflects your personal style and complements your bedroom decor.


Shelving Unit

A shelving unit is a practical and stylish way to decorate your large bedroom wall. You can use it to display your favorite books, photos, and decorative objects. Consider using floating shelves for a modern and minimalist look.

Shelving UnitSource:


Wallpaper is a great way to add pattern and texture to your large bedroom wall. You can choose from a variety of patterns, from bold and graphic to subtle and understated. Consider using wallpaper on just one wall to create a dramatic accent.



Mirrors are a great way to reflect light and create the illusion of more space. You can hang a large mirror on your bedroom wall, or create a gallery of small mirrors. Consider using different shapes and sizes for added visual interest.


Textile Wall Art

Textile wall art is a unique and bohemian way to decorate your large bedroom wall. You can hang tapestries, quilts, or even rugs as wall art. Choose textiles that complement your bedroom decor and color scheme.

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Wall Decals

Wall decals are a great option for renters or anyone who doesn’t want to commit to permanent wallpaper or paint. You can choose from a variety of designs and patterns, and they are easy to apply and remove. Consider using wall decals to create a fun and playful accent wall.

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Plants are a great way to add life and color to your large bedroom wall. You can hang a few potted plants, or create a vertical garden with a variety of plants. Consider using hanging planters for a modern and chic look.



Decorating a large bedroom wall can be challenging, but with the right ideas and inspiration, you can create a stunning and stylish space. Whether you choose to create a gallery wall, hang a large-scale artwork, or use shelving to display your favorite objects, there are endless possibilities for decorating your bedroom wall. Choose a style that reflects your personality and complements your bedroom decor, and have fun creating your own unique masterpiece.

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